towns to visit

An ancient Roman town built along the Via Flaminia on the slopes of Mount Petrano. Today Cagli retains many vestiges of its past, starting from the Middle Ages. A good examples are the churches of St. Francesco and St. Domenico, containing valuable paintings and frescoes. Very interesting is the cathedral, which was rebuilt almost entirely in the eighteenth century, and many other churches that preserve works of the painter Gaetano Lapis Cagli (1706-1773), such as S.Angelo minore, S.Pietro, S.Maria della Misericordia, S.Giuseppe, S.Chiara, S.Filippo e S.Bartolomeo.
Address / Location
Valle del Candigliano - Cagli
Montefeltro Sviluppo
Confturismo Marche Nord Camera di Commercio Pesaro e Urbino Montefeltro Leader
Programma di Sviluppo Rurale
Regione Marche Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali Unione Europea
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